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Built on love, sincerity and chocolate, G’s Patisserie is owned and run by Gauri Varma. A B-School Graduate from Oxford University who spent over 10 subsequent years working with corporates (London, Mumbai & New Delhi), one disappointing cake and a negative memory later, turned pastry chef with her own patisserie.

Having acquired her commerce degree from LSR & after completing her masters from Said Business School, Oxford University, Gauri joined Deloitte in London as a seasoned consultant specializing in retail, supply chain, operations and Human capital. Here she had the opportunity to work up close & personal with some of the most iconic brands in the world today.

In India she worked on various strategic aspects with brands like Calvin Klein, French Connection, Guess, Nautica, Accessorize, Debenhams, Bose & Next to name a few; and has opened over 150 retail outlets across the country. A sportsman & foodie at heart Gauri's academic history specializes mainly in commerce and business studies.

Whereas her professional experience has been more varied with a span across the food and beverages, entertainment, retail, electronic and consulting industries. After 10 years of working across these sectors, her avid passion for good, well-priced food and the lack thereof got to the better of her and is largely the inspiration behind her venture - G's Patisserie.

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